Sunday, April 12, 2009


It hasn't really felt like Easter today and I am not sure why. I went to church by myself this morning because Matt had to work last night so he was sleeping and maybe that had something to do with it but who knows. I am really glad I went to church today because the message really spoke to me. The pastor was talking about being in transition and when we are in transition in our lives we always tend to rush things along and never take time to just let things happen. I feel like this is what I am doing with this pregnancy. I feel like it is a time of transition and I am just trying to rush Mattilyn along to hurry up and get here when what I really need to be doing is focusing on the now and spending quality time with my husband and enjoying having Mattily growing inside of me. I don't want to rush things. I am not even to my due date yet so I just need to be patient. God's timing is perfect and I need to patient and wait on his timing not my own. Please help me to remember this the next few weeks!

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