Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mattilyn's week in review 05/22/2010

I am going to try something new to keep this blog updated better. Lets see if it works. A review of Mattie's life in the past week. SATURDAY We started off Saturday morning by trying to go to the Gladstone Farmer's Market with Tonya and Dane. Don't waste your time if you are ever thinking of going. There were about 5 vendors there and it looked like they were all selling plants. We didn't even bother stopping. We decided to head to Oak Grove park and take a walk. We made a stop at the park to let the kiddos swing. Unfortunately there are no pictures because Tonya and I didn't have the motivation to walk back to the car to get the camera. Saturday afternoon we went to Jennie and Brett's to have a playdate with Sam. The girls went swimming and I think they really enjoyed it. I love getting together with them because it is so fun to watch Sammie and Mattie play together and it is always nice to be surrounded by great friends!! That evening we took a trip to Sam's with Tonya and Dane. Aren't they cute sitting in the cart together? SUNDAY Sunday was a pretty lazy day but once Matt got up on Sunday afternoon we decided to get out Mattie's new water table. She enjoyed splashing the water and getting all of us soaked! MONDAY We have a bunch of toys in the basement that have been given to us and since we don't have a lot of space we haven't been able to get them all out. Tonight we decided to clean off the ball popper and see what she thought. SHE LOVES THIS THING! She is now saying ball but sounds more like ba. Watch the video, it is pretty cute. She gets this excited everytime she plays with it now. When it was time for bath she got upset and was trying to drag the ball popper to me so I could press the button again.

TUESDAY Tuesday we went down to Macken Park to watch Andrew play a T-ball game. Watching little kids play T-ball is good entertainment. They are all so cute!


Wednesday we went on a walk after the rain stopped. Since my parents live just down the street I convinved Matt to just walk the car jack down there since we walk by on our walk anyway. I thought it was quite entertaining and Mattie couldn't quite figure out what that thing was that Matt was dragging.

Mattie makes sure she is comfortable when we are out walking!

That is all for now. I am going to go ahead and post this because I know if I wait to do it this weekend it won't happen!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mattilyn's One year photos

I Love, Love, Love these photos. I don't know how I am ever going to decide which ones to print. Enjoy the cuteness!