Thursday, July 29, 2010

15 Month Appointment

We had Mattie's 15 month appointment last Monday and overall it went really well!


Weight-18.6 pounds
Height-30 3/4 inches
Head-Can't remember the exact measurement but I know it was 17 something and it was in the 15% for the first time ever! She has always been in the 10%!

Mattie's weight has dropped below the 5th percentile so the doctor wants us to start giving her one carnation instant breakfast a day mixed with her milk to bulk her up. They aren't concerned because she is still growing and she is developing well but they would just like to see her weight increase. I have bought some of the carnation breakfast packs but haven't given them to her yet. I generally agree with everything the doctor says but this is just something that I am not sure I think it necessary. I mean the child eats ALL. DAY. LONG. I don't think she is missing out on any nutrients this may provide. I mean really so what if she is a little skinny. The doctor is happy with her otherwise so I don't really see the problem. I don't know. I guess I still need to do some more thinking on it and decide what we are going to do!

Mattie did really well with the shots. The first one she whined a little bit and the second one she was saying Oh,Oh,Oh. I am so glad there wasn't any screaming this time!


Anonymous said...

Awwww, she is just a petite and dainty girl. I think it's cute!

Landon keeps dropping on the weight chart and he doesn't eat that much so I asked the pedi about those special nutrient drinks for kids. He said it's a double-edged sword because the kids will drink it because they like it but then their tummies are full and they won't eat a real meal.

I'm debating it.

Jennie said...

It is a hard decision...for us the deciding factor is that she was about to fall off the charts. That's a big concern for us. With gaining less than a pound in over 3 months, we knew we had to do something because it wasn't healthy.

Molly - Sammie still drinks regular milk and is as picky about when she will drink as she is eating.