Friday, June 25, 2010

5 on Friday (Vacation Style)

1. We finally booked our vacation! Orlando here we come!

2. I am very excited for vacation but with that comes nervousness. I don't mind flying but it stresses me out. Especially when there are layovers. I am always worried we are going to miss a flight. Now add the already nervousness that I have and add a baby to the mix. Oh my. I better start preparing now!

3. I am very excited for this vacation but in my head I am already planning our next vacation. Matt has promised me a trip to Jamaica!

4. I can't wait to be able to travel more with Mattie as a family. There are so many places we want to take Mattie.

5. I wish Matt has weekends off because it would be so much easier to take little weekend getaways without one of us having to use PTO. Oh the joys of being a police officer's wife.


Jennie said...

Yea for vacations!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Orlando will be so much fun! But Jamaica sounds good too ;)