Mattie is 17 weeks old today and this Friday she will officially be 4 months old! What a big girl! This past week Mattie has been blowing raspberries like crazy and she thinks she is quite funny! She really hasn't been talking as much this week because she is too busy blowing the raspberries. She has also started blowing them when she spits up which makes a huge mess! I have had spit up in my hair and on my face a couple of times! She is also trying so hard to roll over. She hasn't quite got it yet but not because of lack of effort on her part! She has actually been waking up the past two nights and being very restless. Well last night when I heard her on the monitor I went in to check on her and realized it was because she was trying to roll over. I have a feeling our swaddling days are coming to an end:( That should make for some restless nights and this is why I am not pushing TOO hard for the rolling over! Oh and my mom and my sister have both found ticklish spots but of course she wasn't having it last night when I tried to tickle her for Matt.
Here is Mattie playing in the exersaucer my sister is letting us borrow.

Mattie having tummy time! She is holding her head up so good.

Mattie and her daddy!
Awww...I love that one of her and Matt!!
She really loves her tummy time. That picture of Matt and her is so cute.
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